Friday 19 September 2008


Well, with me getting closer and closer to thf being.. well, higher, i have begun to think of the armour which i would like to use. and after alot of discusions with mark, i really wish to join limbus. though i think if i did join limbus i would have to drop sky or dynamis, because that would really be too much.

I have been told by alot of people that i will not be able to full time thf. like, in ls events and such, but i really am begining to dis-like red mage. Red mage is... boring. All i am ever asked to do/expected to do is main heal/haste/refresh and ocasionaly will i be asked to enfeeble or anything. I don't feel the need to merit anything on there since all i ever do is main heal anyway, NEVER am i asked to de-buff except by mark. Sure i could go off and solo stuff. but :/ what would i solo? To be honest, there isn't that much out there for me as rdm which isn't just crafted or droped in events. I spent hours camping for my joyeuse. i camped my leg armour, I camped my torque. everyhting i feel i worked for. just... I am always main healer. 'Refresh me' 'heal me' 'Cures where' It really gets kind of old. Sure i could join lots of merit partys and cap all my merits... then what?

Where as i am playing thf, I enjoy what i am doing. Red mage just doesn't excite me like it used to, i just don't enjoy it.

I know i will be letting mark down, we could duo anything, but... he enjoys his job. I... :3
Maybe when/if i get what i want from sky, rdm will perk up a little for me?

I would love to duo/solo god pop items, and (depending on mark and his goals) help him get a pop set or two fir his hidate.
And the random images are just a drawing i was playing with, oh the fun of drawing ><;


Kinikki said...

I understand about RDM, it's why I quit my RDM in the first place. But then I discovered BRD was really no better. So now I'm stuck with being a BRD forever instead. :x

And I really like your drawings. <3


Myste said...

Haha, Well, i don't think i will have the problem of being stuck with thf. I have been 'quite rightly told' that i won't be alod thf anywhere anyway >.<

Hi there >.<;;